Gareth Fitzgerald Barry
Visions of Public Art
Indivisive: A Wall for All
“Historically and as a matter of function walls are meant to divide, conform, prohibit, inhibit, and halt. By contrast, the concept of my sculptural installation is to accomplish just the opposite. This wall is meant to be open to the public for self expression. A wall that divides nothing and separates no one. Encouraging any and everyone to take part, be that murals, graffiti, tagging, stickers, posters, advertisements, or just simply taking a moment to look at what someone else took the time to say. Rochester, just like any other city is full of communities, groups, collectives, families, etc., and this project will serve as a local message board of sorts, for the individual idea or the collaborative effort in an ongoing dialogue with our city. Impermanent and ever-changing. Evolving layer by layer. Idea by idea, and thought by thought. Undulating and curving. Rising and falling. Beginning and ending in perpetuity. Illuminating and informing pedestrians and fellow Rochestearians through 40 feet of open expression. Two sides available for use to enliven the surrounding landscape with colorful design, provocative content, and human insight.
Come one come all. This is a wall for all.”
Follow Gareth on Instagram —
*Rendering produced with assistance from The Art Administrators

Visions of Public Art was presented in 2019 as part of [Current Seen] Big Ideas. Small Venues.
Current Seen supports the region's growing contemporary art community by bringing new curatorial voices and new artists together near East Ave. and Main St. in Rochester, New York.
2019 Core Venues (Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Central Library of Rochester, Visual Studies Workshop, RIT City Art Space) and Framework Venues (galleries, community and alternative spaces, and pop-up venues) hosted curated exhibitions of local and national artists related to the general theme: our current moment / our changing city.
Building upon First Friday Rochester, Current Seen is intended to foster collaboration, help spaces achieve greater collective impact, celebrate the act of curation, and aid artists in reaching new expanded audiences. Programs include more than 20 exhibitions and events organized by both experienced and emerging curators spanning three generations. The lead organizer of Current Seen is Bleu Cease, Executive Director of Rochester Contemporary Art Center.